Freedom Path

21 – Kate ter Horst

Kate ter Horst, also known as 'The Angel of Oosterbeek', was a Dutch citizen who opened her home to wounded British soldiers during Operation Market Garden in September 1944. On September 18, Captain Martin, a Scottish doctor, asked if he could set up a Red Cross Post in her home. "We don't need much," the captain said, "I hope we won't have many casualties." Things would turn out differently. By September 20, the house was packed with three hundred wounded soldiers. Kate made everything she owned available to the soldiers. She kept coming up from her basement to talk to them and comfort them as she read Psalm 91 in each room. The memory of Kate stayed with the soldiers for the rest of their lives.

21 – Kate ter Horst

''I walked through the rooms. Wounded people were everywhere: in the dining room, in the study and conservatory, in the side hallway and even under the stairs and in the toilet; every bit of space was taken.”  

80 years of freedom